November 23, 2006

death in salhiya

In the country -and flourishing era- of Hamad Bin Issa, Khalifah Bin Salman and Ahemed Bin Ateyatallah, a mother of 3 children refused to curse the dark and lighted a candle. The candle claimed a curtain. The curtain claimed the house. The house claimed the 3 huddled children. No one claimed responsibility.

In the country of Al-Wasat, Al-Waqt, and other no time nor nerve to read newspapers, the news of 3 poor Bahraini children meeting a horrible death in an eviction-threatened, electricity-cut house does not seem jolting enough for editors to break their monotonous coverages.

In the country of Jewelery Arabia, the story of poverty and hunger in the land of 167 billions in combined financial sector assets came and went, instantly amortized. You had to read it in a resurrected blog to grab hold of it.

In the country of mass demonstrations against scantly clad marathoners and less than fully veiled personal family laws, and of holy lectures to the heart and soul -but never to stomach- of the believers, there is hardly a reaction to the misery of scantly fed children.

In the country of the high road of national unity, the high talk of brotherhood and no difference between a Sunni and a Shia, the fact that the three were to a poor Shia Hoora-hailed father made no difference or reference. There is after all an appropriate condolence service for the three children at Ma'atm Bin Rajab.


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