August 19, 2005

the danger of talking to strangers

Recently, a bill was enacted governing the activities of political societies, ( parties are not allowed and the word is still a taboo). It was left to the honourable Minister of Justice to issue the detailed regulations. Last Wednesday he did, in a string of 4 orders. Order 4 lists 7 conditions for the authorities to approve a contact between a local political society and a foreign political party. Some excerpts .

Order No 4/ 2005 Governing Contacts between Political Societies and Foreign Political Paties or Organisations

Article 2

Without prejudice to relevant laws, a contact between a political society and a foreign political party or organization may be established in accordance with the following rules:

1. The foreign political party or organization must not hold objectives hostile or opposing to the principles and provisions of the Constitution and the Charter of National Action of the
Kingdom of Bahrain.

4. The contact must not infringe upon the independence and security of the Kingdom of Bahrain, its national unity, confidence in its economic standing, or lead to interference in its internal affairs.

6. The contact must not lead to interference by the political society in the internal affairs of another country or harm that country’s relations with the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Article 3

The political society shall give an advance notice to the Minister of Justice, advising him of the name and nationality of the foreign political party or organization to be contacted, at least three working days prior to such contact.


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